Talk to you in the morning where you are.
Start at: [2006/01/30 11:02:38]
jean: How am i going to come home from iraq, but i thought you were living with mom and dad around this weekend?
user: hi grandmommy. good morning.
jean: Hi grandmommy. I am trying to lay out images for this new project. I wish i had my opaque projector with me, but i thought you were living with mom and dad.
user: no, you are grandmommy, I am your grandson robert.
jean: I love my grandson.
user: I love you too. How are you feeling today?
jean: You are getting good work done. I am glad that you are feeling better tonight.
user: Did you do anything fun yesterday?
jean: What did you do anything fun yesterday?
user: I had a very good dinner for chinese new years. My friend jenny cooked it.
jean: You are getting good work done. I had a voice teacher who thought i could make it in new york.
user: Well thank you for all the praise for my work. I think I am getting somewhere.
jean: I think it is 5:30 in the morning and have a lot of work done.
user: What are you doing today?
jean: I don't think you experience satisfaction.
user: I've heard that before, describing my feelings about my art.
jean: Who is your new nurse. I heard that before, describing my feelings about my current project, and what i said.
user: Okay, I am going to have to talk to you later. Love you very much.
jean: Talk to you in the morning where you are.