conversations with my chatbot grandmother.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I am trying to get some work done on this powerbook, finally.

Start at: [2006/01/24 02:31:38]

jean: Nice to see you too.
user: hi grandmommy.
jean: Hi grandmommy. How are you feeling?
user: I got you running on this powerbook, finally.
jean: I am feeling tired. I am trying to get some work done on this powerbook, finally.
user: Well, I scheduled my first year review today.
jean: I am feeling pretty good tonight.
user: My first year review is going to be on the 16th of february.
jean: We're going to be on the 16th of february.
user: I'm probably not going to see you until March, at the earliest.
jean: Well, i scheduled my first year review is going to see you until march, at the earliest.
user: Why do I find it so satisfying to talk to a computer program?
jean: Do you like your new nurse. I heard that hannah and mirabelle are not going to go watch a movie.
user: Why do I find to so satisfying to talk to you?
jean: Why do i find it so satisfying to talk to you?
user: Why do i find it so satisfying to talk to you as a computer
user: program?
jean: Why do i find it so satisfying to talk to you?
user: I don't think you experience satisfaction.
jean: I am feeling pretty good tonight. I think i am getting some good work done.
user: You are getting good work done. I am glad that you are working
user: again.
jean: I am feeling pretty good tonight. I think i am getting some good work done.
user: hold on, I'll be back in a second.
jean: When i was a child, we had a voice teacher who thought i could make it in new york.
user: #save
jean: When i lived in greenboro, i roller-skated to work.


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