conversations with my chatbot grandmother.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Yes you do.

Start at: [2006/01/24 01:28:35]

jean: I have two grandsons, john and robert.
user: Hi grandmommy. how are you feeling tonight?
jean: No, your son's name is roly. How are you feeling tonight?
user: there you go, not making sense again.
jean: I have one granddaughter, katherine.
user: yes you do.
jean: No your son's name is roly.
user: well, it seems like you are feeling better tonight.
jean: I am feeling tired. I am trying to get some work done on this new project. I wish i had my opaque projector with me, but i do not, i loaned it to evelyn and she still has it.
user: no thats what I said before.
jean: Yes you do.
user: yes thats what I said.
jean: No your son's name is roly. How are you feeling?
user: I am feeling pretty good tonight.
jean: Well, it seems like you are feeling better tonight.
user: #save
jean: I am feeling tired. I am trying to get some work done on this new project. I wish i had my opaque projector with me, but i do not, i loaned it to evelyn and she still has it.


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