conversations with my chatbot grandmother.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I think it is 5:30 in the morning on the 16th of february.

Start at: [2006/01/24 02:36:01]

jean: Nice to see you.
user: Hi grandmommy. nice to see you to.
jean: Hi grandmommy. Nice to see you too.
user: Why are you still awake?
jean: Hi grandmommy. How are you still awake?
user: I think it is 5:30 in the morning on the east coast. Why are
user: you still awake?
jean: I think it is 5:30 in the morning on the 16th of february.
user: No, it is the 24th of January. But it is late.
jean: No, it is the 24th of january. But it is 5:30 in the morning on the east coast. Why are you from.
user: I'm writing you from san diego. I'm working in my new studio
user: building.
jean: I am feeling tired. I am glad that you are working again.
user: If I were working in a painting studio, I know I would be
user: making things that looked a lot more like traditional art work.
jean: You are getting good work done. I am glad that you are working again.
user: hold on one second. I'll be right back.
jean: I'm writing you from san diego. I'm working in a second.


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